Contact us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

TrustQR is a comprehensive solution designed to empower manufacturers in verifying product authenticity, thereby safeguarding brand reputation and enhancing consumer trust.

By implementing TrustQR's advanced verification system, brands can effectively prevent counterfeit products from infiltrating the market, ensuring that consumers receive genuine items.This not only protects the brand but also fosters consumer confidence.

Additionally, TrustQR provides valuable consumer insights, allowing manufacturers to understand customer behavior and interactions with their products.This data-driven approach aids in making informed decisions to further strengthen brand integrity and consumer relationships.In summary, TrustQR offers a robust suite of tools for product verification, brand protection, counterfeit prevention, and authenticity assurance, making it an essential solution for manufacturers seeking to maintain consumer trust and combat counterfeiting.


+1 657 946 2122 (Pacific Time)

21142 Canada road Lake forest, CA 92630
Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00 (Pacific Time)

Saturday: 9:00 - 16:00 (Pacific Time)

Sunday: Closed

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building